Saturday, August 16, 2014

At Oshkosh

Standing in Front of the KTC Camping area, in front of our 40' tall
"visible for a mile" flag pole.

Have enjoyed  the past two days in Oshkosh, a 45000 person "life event" held on a massive campground next to an airfield. My first time attending, and it immediately makes a big impression . . .  of how BIG . . . this thing is! It's hard to get your senses around a crowd this large, occupying space of probably about two square miles, unless you see it.  People, food, laughter, "beating drums," flags, and as per one of my pictures below, "booming cannons," courtesy of KTC! I agree with Ken Wetmore, among other 'wonders' of this event is the incredible level of talent that is vital to pulling off the logistics: sanitation, security, medical, event-planning . .  an endless list which requires I"m sure hundreds of individuals. In our conference, Elder Wetmore and the KTC Pathfinder Council are the brains and energy behind our organization and my visit to Oshkosh confirms we have (as you already know) some of the very best!  A few pictures from last night:

Mykal and Melissa Ringstaff provide leadership for
the Harlan "Black Bears." I happened to catch up
to them during the "always happening" pin-exchange.

I liked the "feather" look for the Louisville  Cherokees Banner

Madison Boulevard had a cool hand-crafted entryway made
just for this event. On the lentil is carved "Forever Faithful" the
Oshkosh Theme.

Arlan Monroe and the Madison Club, like others, have a great mobile kitchen. They
also provided me with their Madison 'Trailblazers" Pin, proudly displayed on
my shirt collar this morning!

I learned that KTC has the deserved and well-recognized honor of providing the Signal Cannons for the Camporee, and have done so for a number of years. This is me backing away as this little "howitzer" is a second from blasting the message to "lower the flag." What kid wouldn't want to fire a cannon? (what conf. president wouldn't want to?!!!)

I'm standing in front of our KTC "Club Pole" listing all of our clubs. I 'think' all of these are present at Oshkosh, though I didn't get to visit personally with all, I enjoyed seeing the staff and kids who were in the area during my visits.

As the sun sets welcoming the Sabbath,
 the masses gather for the evening program,
a virtual sea of people with this scene representing about
 one-fourth of what
was there as the program

The really neat thing about this many people as it does have a little feel of
how big Adventism is,
how many youth are a part of the church, and in a small way, what
will feel like as countless throngs gather for worship and fellowship.
There are clubs here from every continent on earth
 (this is NOT solely a NAD event) and as God's children fellowship -here -
yes, it feels like you
can't wait to go "home" and be together - there!

The Kentucky-Tennessee  Color Guard! 

With the Wind Blowing the Banner not sure, but
the Louisville Club is bringing up the Rear Guard 

Lake Cumberland which is the Somerset District 

General Wetmore Marching By! 

Nashville First Hispanic's Club "Soldiers of the King!" 

Lebanon's Club "Orion" 

The Proud Ridgetop Ridge Runners!

I should note that among the Pathfinder Leadership, I saw Karen Kind from Lexington helping give support to the Lexington
Club, Will Anderson assisting with the Highland Club, Pastor Carlos Pinto as one of the Directors of the Nashville 1st Hispanic Club, and Pastor Nathan Dilema, as a Director with the Lebanon Club. I am hugely inspired to
see this level of dedication among our great staff!